

Simulations of the LSST are generated using the Feature Based Scheduler (FBS) and associated models of the telescope and weather conditions. Evaluations of the resulting simulated pointing histories are carried out with the Metrics Analysis Framework (MAF).

More documentation on the FBS and site models is available in the rubin_scheduler documentation under the FBS Scheduler and Site Models sections. There are also notebooks containing scheduler tutorials available illustrating how to set up and run the scheduler.

More documentation on MAF is also available in the rubin_sim documentation, in the MAF section, however more extensive information is available in our MAF tutorials.

Please note that both of these software packages can be easily installed via conda or pip. For most use-cases, additional data must also be downloaded, following instructions at


The current official baseline simulations (v4.0) are available for download at

Previous sets of simulations are also available for download, under similar URLs at

Metric Evaluation Outputs#

The outputs of our standard metric evaluations (via MAF) for the above simulations are available at


Support for evaluating MAF metrics or understanding survey strategy simulations is available via posts on the Rubin Community Forum in the survey strategy area, or via questions on the LSSTC slack on channel #sims-maf or #sims.